Agency Brief June 2, 2016
The Division on the Big Screen?
Jake Gyllenhaal is looking to produce and star in an upcoming movie based on the recently released Tom Clancy game, The Division. While Ubisoft hasn’t yet commented on this, the report is coming from Variety, which has developed a pretty good reputation for movie news. Because the issues of both The Division, and Gyllenhaal’s version of Prince of Persia we’re all so sooooo optimistic. Umm. Yeeeaaaaah…
Cash Royale
Supercell, the makers of Clash of Clans, Boom Beach, and Clash Royale may be bought out by Chinese giant Tencent. You may remember that Tencent completed a buyout of League of Legends maker, Riot Games, and also has partial ownership of Activision Blizzard and other lesser known game makers.
Netflix First–run Exclusivity with Disney
That includes Marvel, Pixar, Star Wars, and all that jazz. How will it work? After movies are on out on disc, Netflix has first dibs on all of Disney’s fare before HBO, Showtime, Amazon and Hulu. The deal, which was originally signed in 2012 will include all movies made in 2016 and beyond, and is estimated to have cost $300 million. That might be enough to make even Tony Stark bat an eye.
No Man’s Sky Delayed
Following announcements of the epic space sim’s delay from a June release until mid August, not only did Hello Games, the developers behind the game receive death threats, but so did Jason Schreier and Kotaku, who broke the story. Death threats are never okay. Never. Really. It’s better to have to wait a little bit longer for a game, and have it be ready and polished, than to have a broken release with missing and janky content. Games are great, and you know we love them, but if you’re getting this worked up, especially about something that is in your best interest (like doing what needs to be done to release a quality product), maybe it’s best to go for a quick walk and get some fresh air.
Speaking of Delays…

Ph: Film Frame
©Lucasfilm LFL
Apparently the upcoming Star Wars movie Rogue One is set for four weeks of extensive reshoots to make some major changes, after Disney execs aren’t happy with how the movie is testing. While details are sparse, word is that it’s too dark, and feels too much like a war movie. Which is a terrible thing for a movie series where half the title is WARS. But we digress.
E3 is Coming – Less Than Two Weeks
The lineup of games, developers, and publishers for E3 is looking pretty impressive, as is the list of companies who are either pulling out, or reducing their official presence. In the coming weeks, we’ll have plenty of pre-show info, coverage of the event, and reaction afterward. Be sure to check in on the website, the podcast, and our social media for all the latest on this and much more.