Today was the first day of the Viagame House Cup #3 Competition, a 3 day Hearthstone event being held in Romania. There are competitors from all around the globe, including some of my personal favorites like Firebat and Lifecoach. The twist? This time, the house is castle!
The main website can be found here, The website has streams, a twitter feed, the schedule, and links to VODs and decklists (I had trouble getting the decklists to show on Internet Explorer 11, but had much better luck with Google Chrome). The tournament is also streaming on Twitch.
The tournament is rather unique in that each player brought 9 decks, 1 of each class, to play with. Each match is a best of 5, but the deck picking is rather confusing, so if you’re interested here is a link. Because each player brought 1 deck from every class and the popular decks tend to get banned, this gives us a chance see some classes that otherwise don’t get played much, like rogue, paladin, and shaman.
The tournament carries on Saturday, with the finals matches taking place on Sunday. It’s definitely worth checking out if you have some spare time and an interest in Hearthstone. We’ll let you know who wins on Sunday here at Agents of Game as well!