The decklists from last week’s amazing ATLC Championship Tournament by Team Archon have finally been posted. These lists have not only great ideas for building you own deck but also a wealth of knowledge and insight into what pro players think of the meta game right now.
First off, the official post is located on the Team Archon website here. We have all the lists posted below as well.
With a quick glance, it’s easy to see that the Shaman class is in a weak spot right now. Not a single team thought that there was a Shaman deck strong enough to compete in this tournament. Maybe it’s because Shaman got so many new cards that there hasn’t been enough time to fully test a new Shaman archetype. However, the fact that several players brought the new secrets paladin and dragon priest decks makes that seem unlikely.
The other weak class right now is Rogue, with only one team choosing to bring it. Although looking at the decklist, perhaps weak isn’t quite the right term. Stagnant is a better descriptor. Dog brought the same oil rogue list that has been around since the Goblin and Gnomes expansion released. Something clearly needs to be done to breath some life back into the Rogue class.
Warrior, Hunter, and Warlock still seem to be sitting at the top of the pile as every team brought those three classes. Patron warrior also still reigns supreme as every single warrior deck brought to the tournament was patron. Even Hunter and Warlock had some variations in tempo and focus, but patron warrior was too good for any team not to bring.
The meta will keep changing of course, but this tournament is a good indicator of where players feel it is right now. Tempo mage, which didn’t have a showing in this tournament, has made a splash at some of the other Hearthstone events in the past week. If dragon priest turns out to be a good counter to patron warrior, maybe patron warrior will start to see some decline. Most of all though, what can be done to help the Shaman class right now? We’ll just have to wait and see.