Excited to play this game with your friends? Well don’t be. Farcry Primal has strayed away from co-op to, “focus our efforts on the single-player experience.” But who wants to roam a gigantic world and tame beasts by themselves? Not this guy! Unfortunately, I actually gave this game a chance. That being said, this is the last time i purchase anything of the FarCry series. (start the bring back co-op chant.) The graphics & cut scenes look absolutely phenomal, but the gameplay is the same old song and dance. I could be setting this game to high standards after donating months of my important life to the game “Ark: Survival Evolved.” But after playing most of the Assassins Creeds and FarCry 4, im about 80% sure that’s not the case. Enough babbling, time for the quick rundown!

The story is based in 10,000 BCE, about a beast master named Takkar. A member of the “Wenja” tribe who is doing whatever it takes for members of his tribe to survive in the land called “Oros. The main story missions consist of meeting other wenja tribe members whom are scattered across Oros and attacking enemy tribes…over…and…over…and…over… Each main character you meet throughout the story unlocks different skill trees you can levelup to gain special boosts & abilities. Weapons (bows, pikes, clubs) you must craft out of material found in the map. Some material you can only find in certain parts of the map, so its a pain going from one side to the other. The first character you come across, is a wenja shaman named Tensay, who grants you the ability to tame beasts. YES!! (my reaction) You can tame wild carnivores and have them fight by your side through your adventures. Sadly, you can only have 1 beast helping you at a time. BUT, the taming is a joke. You throw a piece of “bait” towards an animal, sneak up to it, hold a button for 3 seconds….and that’s it………

The game also has an unlimited (which means over…and over….and over….seeing a trend here?) amount of secondary missions, which consist of rescuing tribe members from animal attacks, being held hostages, enemy tribe attacks, and escorting them to other camps. You also have various camps and villages you must re-take from enemy tribes that you can use as fast travel waypoints. Unless you enjoy spending 20 minutes out of your day running across the map for one mission. Said no one ever.
But in all honesty, They are just writing new stories and using the same game play. It took me 21 in-game hours to unlock all fast travel camps, beat the story mode on the hardest difficulty, and tame every beast. So if you’re thinking about buying this game, DON’T. Ubisoft isn’t the greatest when it comes to jaw dropping DLC, and paying $60.00(usd) for 20-30 hours of game play isn’t worth it when i can rent it for $5 and get your moneys worth in a week. I’ll rate this game 4.5 out of 10. Just because if you’ve played an assassins creed or farcry game, you’ve played them all.