We are the Agents of Game. Of course, you probably wouldn’t be here if you didn’t already know that. Be careful not to learn too much though, that could be dangerous.
If you need to reach one of us, feel free to look up info on this page, or on one of our individual contributor pages.
Although we will use cookies for log in purposes once we open up membership (yeah, we know, we need to get on that), until we are absolutely sure that we can ensure security, confidentiality, and all that jazz we’re holding off for a bit.
Having said that, we have to pay the bills, and so it’s entirely possible that our advertising sources (Google Adsense and Amazon) might occasionally use cookies. The cookies they use are generally to track where their customers are coming from, and to ensure that those helping them with advertising (like us) are properly compensated. We are fairly confident that neither Google nor Amazon are selling your personal information to Soviet Russia, hostile aliens, or intelligent strains of H1N1 influenza. Nevertheless, if you feel the need to wear a tinfoil hat whilst perusing our website, we won’t hold it against you. Not publicly at least. Just ignore the sound of the laughter coming from your speakers.
We have a lot of awesome things we want to bring you. Whether it be original content, news, entertainment, or flying monkeys, lots of cool things are coming down the pipeline. Unfortunately, all of that takes time and money, so we hope you’ll bear with us as we’re working as quickly as our lethargy and obesity allows.
Oh, and because we have to say it. “Agents of Game is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.”