Whether you want to run a podcast, stream on YouTube or Twitch, or start posting videos to YouTube, there are plenty of helpful tools you might want to pick up. We at the Agents of Game use many of these, if you have questions or recommendations, please let us know!

Whether you want to record a podcast, or add commentary to a video, this inexpensive microphone is a good way to get high quality at a low price. Used by Dave.

Great for recording video, not ideal for streaming, the Elgato HD60 isn’t incredibly cheap, but probably the best bargain for the new YouTube aspirant. Used frequently by Dave, occasionally by Unseen 5hadow.

Inexpensive and fantastic for editing video, good for editing audio, Corel VideoStudeo Ultimate X8 is a great tool for anyone who wants to make video for YouTube. Used for all of Dave’s videos, & the AOG podcast.

If you want a microphone that is portable, can record multiple inputs, and has more professional options, the Tascam DR-40 is a good option. Used by Dave on interviews (lavaliers recommended).